Public Action Center
Voice your concerns about the PennEast Pipeline
FERC is the body that will decide whether to approve the PennEast Pipeline or not - write online comments daily, about anything and everything related to why the PennEast Pipeline should not be approved. Links are below for more information.
Also, contact legislators and decision makers - let them know your position. Call someone new everyday, or call one per day - the numbers are below.
Before starting, remember to RETURN to these instructions (use the browser tab called pepac) after EVERY step - you will be walked through every little step
Click on the image to the left to go to FERC e-filing for e-comments (the website is often down, so try back later if it is does not load).
Remember, return to the pepac browser tab for each next step in the process
Select Login and login
Click on eComment
Fill out the form
Go to your email account
Open the new email you got for your current FERC e-Comment Request
Select the Link within your email
Enter Docket Number CP15-558
Click on Search
Check the Docket Description (make sure it is for the PennEast Pipeline), and if correct check the blue cross
The cross disappears and a red X appears lower on the form (do not remove that)
Type your e-comment (if your comment is long, type it into a word document first, and copy and paste from the word document into the e-comment box)
**NOTE: You can make as many individual e-comments that you wish, and can submit comments as often as you wish**

Call Legislators! Call Decision Makers!
Let them know why the PennEast Pipeline should not be allowed. For more information on concerns to share, click on the image to the left.
Everybody should call, regardless of location:
Governor Wolf…717-787-2500
Senator Bob Casey…202-224-6324
Senator Pat Toomey…202-224-4254
Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick…202-225-4276 (THANK HIM for his position of not supporting the pipeline)
US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Committee Office…202-224-4971 (ask to leave a message for the committee - they are reluctant to engage with you since they say they are "just staff")
For those residing in Bucks County, also call (regardless of district):
State Representative Marguerite Quinn…215-489-2126
Hon. Scott Petri...717-787-9033
State Senator Robert Tomlinson....215-942-5157
State Senator Charles McIlhinney, Jr ....717-787-7305
Bucks County Commission Chairman Charles Martin...215-348-6426
Bucks County Commission Vice Chairman Robert Loughery...215-348-6424
Bucks County Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia ...215-348-6425
And, for those residing in Carbon County, also call :
Hon. Doyle Heffley....717-260-6139
State Senator John Yudichak...717-787-7105
(all the commissioners have the same number, but can be reached individually):
Carbon County Commission Chairman Wayne Northstein....570-325-3611
Carbon County Commission Vice Chairman Tom Gerhard...570-325-3611
Carbon County Commissioner William O'Gurek....570-325-3611
Now that you have finished with your FERC registration, and have made or will make as many e-comments as you wish (you can return any time for that), now move on to Step #2 for more important actions to take!